Australian ingredients

Home/Australian ingredients

Fire Tree (Xanthorrhoea preissii) Also known as  grasstrees, the form of the plant resembles a tree, with very long and bunched, grass-like, leaves that emerge from a central base. It is found throughout Southwest Australia and is of high economic importance to the Noongar people, who named it balga, using the gum it contains and the spike for fish spears. Its [...]

2017-06-03T06:35:45+01:00By |

Boronia (Boronia megastigma)

An Australian native from the citrus family where it grows in the wild, theBoronia shrubs produces small red and yellow flowers with an intense and attractive sweet, citrusy and exotic fruity scent used both in perfumes and as a food flavor enhancer. De la famille des agrumes, cette plante indigène d’Australie où elle pousse à [...]

2020-02-09T19:52:19+01:00By |
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